Ambrach Kegs Identity
client: Ambrach
project: Logo
design: Matt Moore
“The best beer kegs in the world.” – That’s what the CEO told me over the phone when I asked what they did. At first I thought it was just spray but as it turns out he was right.
They needed something initially that would not only “feel right” to the target audience (beer manufacturers) but also perform like a champ when hard pressed/embossed into stainless steel. I came up with something that had a classic look and feel. I wanted to say “beer keg” with simplicity and respect for the craft without being overbearing. After all… like my own brand, Ambrach brand must be subservient to the brands they serve. It is not Ambrach Beer after all. The brand we are building is one of innovation, strength, and accommodation. It seems to be translating well already.
Ambrach’s presence is beyond just North America with products available for international markets in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
I also built the Ambrach website and continue create their advertising.
Ambrach Ad
client: Ambrach
project: “Arrive in good company.”
writer: Matt Moore
art direction: Matt Moore
photography: Ron Keesh
Like the product itself, this brand needed to be clean, simple and very accommodating. When I built this brand identity I didn’t think “beer” but “Kusinart.” Our demographic is down-right fussy about quality and we needed to say we were too. I didn’t even mind if we sounded a little elitist if it got the point across. Kegs are not all created equal and like everything in life if you want “better” you can get it. Now people in the beverage industry know better is out there.
This was our first ad and helped set the tone for what is proving to be a successful campaign.